RIE Bhubaneswar JPF Recruitment 2022 Walk in for Various Posts

Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Bhubaneswar
Walk-in-interview 2022
Junior Project Fellow (JPF) Posts
Total Vacancies:- 06

RIE Bhubaneswar JPF Recruitment 2022

Regional Institute of Education (RIE): The Institute will conduct Walk-in-Interview/Selection for engagement of the following Project Staff, purely on a temporary (short-term) basis for different Projects. The engagement will confer no right to claim appointments on regular basis.

Important Date, Time & Venue Details

  • Walk-in-Interview Date: 16-07-2022
  • Reporting Time: 09.30 AM/ 10.30 AM/11.30 AM/ 12.30 PM / 3.30 PM/ 04.30 AM ( Check Advertisement)
  • Venue: Regional Institute of Education, Sachivalaya Marg (Near Nicco Park), Bhubaneswar-751022.

Age Limit

  • Not Available.

Educational Qualification

  • Master’s Degree in relevant subjects.
  • For more details go through the notification.

RIE Bhubaneswar Vacancy 2022

Name of the PostVacancySalary
Junior Project Fellow06NET Qualified:- Rs. 25, 000/- & Non-Net- Rs. 23, 000/-

How to Apply for RIE Bhubaneswar JPF Recruitment 2022?

  1. Go to the official website www.riebbs.ac.inthen go to Notice Board.
  2. Find the advertisement.
  3. Open the Notification and check the Eligibility.
  4. Interested candidates fulfilling the requisite qualifications as mentioned in each program may attend the Walk-in-Interview.
  5. The candidate should bring their Bio-data, all original certificates and mark-sheets (with one set of attested photocopies) regarding qualification & experience, and one attested passport size photograph.

Important Links

For More Details Please Visit the Official Website

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