Special Walk-In Vaccination Drive for the Students from Twin City of Odisha

BMC Conducts Special Walk-In Vaccination Drive for the Residents of Bhubaneswar,in 18-44 age-group who are planning to travel abroad for further studies & require to take Covishield vaccine they can take vaccine from two centre of Khurda.
1. CVC at P.N College, Khurda
2. CMC Kalyan Mandap, Gopalpur, Cuttack.

  1. Documents To Carry while go for Vaccination
    Student aged 18-44 who have received information in admission in universities abroad and required vaccination for the same .
  2. Students need to carry the verified confirmation letter from the concerned foreign universities regarding admission of the student
  3. Carry Aadhaar Card or any Other ID proof to the vaccination Centre.

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