An Exercise Makes You Up for A Complete Day of Sitting

New research has found about 30 minutes of moderate training or vigorous physical workout can counteract your full day of sitting at a desk. It helps you to rest even after a holiday blast.

What do you think about it? Isn’t so harmless? No, not at all! It may seem meaningless, but sitting for long hours can take years to cut off your weight. Although, a little sense of physical activities makes a life-saving transformation. Moreover, researchers have also found an undeviating relationship between excessive desk-bound time and early death.

health and fitness

Compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic last year, stay-at-home behaviors have made us more inactive with relaxation and major feasting. Of course, it was necessary to be locked in our houses these days, but, when there is no hard time existed now, you can get over this by circuit training workout for every day. It has also been found; a short amount of regular exercise can offset these destructive effects. People, who are indulged in regular physical activity had less risk of premature death. Conversely, those with low physical activity had higher risks of premature death occurring with the highest desk-bound time.

Therefore, it was confirmed that even just standing for 2-3 minutes between the long hours of sitting could help you to some degree. 

It has also been suggested that exercise can be more essential during a holiday season as during the winters, often heart attacks are more noted down due to factors including some changes in more alcohol consumption, changes in diet, and stress. Scientists have found that exercise helps you to cut off the chances of negative health effects by consuming alcohol.

Health & Fitness

Last year, the pandemic work from home life has meant sitting for long hours staring at the laptop or desktop, and less inspiration to get up and move. Unfortunately, the more desk-bound time had occurred in our lifestyle with the higher risk of premature death from certain cardiac conditions or heart diseases.

Nevertheless, people now have found an exercise program start-up idea to be intimidating which makes them moving without following a strict diet or a standard workout regime. 

Some activities like biking, cycling, swimming, brisk walking and gardening may substantively offset the harmful effects of our modern lifestyle. If you are following any of the above, you don’t need to join the gym to get your body parts moving. There are so many workouts that you can use even at your home with comfort and more safety guidelines. For all of us, a holiday means to be a time of full relaxation, but it may also be a good time to reset all your health habits.

It is also important to remember that we all have evolved from our non-medic ancestors who spent their all-time moving around in nature to search for food and shelter by traveling on large distances on daily basis. Hence, our body is designed and evolved to be regularly active by any sort of physical activity. All limbs need to be active to live healthily.  If you need an emotional lift-up or to blow-off some steam just after completing a stressful and tiring day, a gym session or a brisk walk can help you to sort this. Fundamentally, physical activity can stimulate your mood swings and various brain chemicals to leave you feeling happy, less anxious, and more relaxed.

You can also feel better about your personality appearance while doing exercise regularly. It can boost your confidence and improves your self-respect and self-esteem. A regular physical workout improves your muscle toning and strength. It boosts your overall endurance. It delivers oxygen and other required nutrients to your blood tissues and thus helps your cardiovascular system to work efficiently. 

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