Sebi approves the launch of Zero To One’s Rs 300 billion startup investment fund.

Zero To One, an angel network, announced on Wednesday that the market regulator Sebi had approved the creation of a Rs 300 crore Category-1 Alternative Investment Fund for investments in startups.

With an emphasis on the edtech, health tech, agritech, medtech, and cleantech arenas, Zero To One will invest across industries in early-stage technology businesses.

“Zero To One was founded with the intention of not only funding businesses but also of developing an environment that would help them grow and succeed. We are confident that the AIF will not only provide funding for early-stage businesses but will also foster their growth through the ecosystem’s synergy, support, and mentorship “Praveen Kaushik, the director and creator of Zero To One, said in the statement.

Over 500 angel investors, high net worth individuals (HNIs), and venture capitalists (VCs) from India, Singapore, Dubai, the US, and the UK make up the community of early-stage investors known as Zero To One.

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